Ye Who Dwell in the Dust

It is utterly inconceivable that the people of the United States of America could have elected Trump as the future President of the United States.

It is not a secret that he has been Putin’s “thing” ever since Deutche Bank, totally funded by Putin, was the only bank in the world that would lend him money. Putin’s aim has been, and continues to be, total destruction of the America and its democracy under which we have lived and thrived for 247 years. He is succeeding with Trump as his ally.

It was also utterly inconceivable that women were not rising up in masses to support Kamala Harris. The election of Trump heralds the destruction of American women’s autonomy over their own bodies.

If American women cannot join together to rise against Trump and his autocracy then American women will have abdicated their gains they have made toward equality in the last 100 years.