Slippery Slope

I have always wondered what is the benefit of being a dictator. I have never heard of a dictator under whom a country flourished. The possible exception being Singapore, under the benevolent dictatorship of Lee Kuan Yew. I’m not sure that I really understand the rational of having total power over a country whose economy is foundering and a regime that is basically shunned by the rest of the world.

In order to have control in America the President needs to have the support of the Congress. To that end Mr. Trump was more than willing and has continued to be more than willing to support rapists, child molesters, crooks and criminals. This was certainly evidenced by his support of Roy Moore a known child molester. Trump said “I don’t care, I want that seat in the Senate filled by a Republican”. Whether it was good or bad for the country was of no consequence to Mr. Trump.

It is interesting to note that the support Trump requires is no different from that of any other dictator. He needs and has gained the support of the right wing of the Republican party whose interest seem to be the same as Mr. Trump’s, personal gain and not for the benefit of the American people.

He is systematically destroying the fabric of our society, along with the support systems, and the underpinnings that have helped the poorest and the eldest members. He has also lowered the standards of morality, mores, decency and respect. His staff appointments so far indicate that this is what he wants to accomplish .

The members of the Republican party who disagree with him resign. I have to assume that this is out of sheer frustration at finding oneself, a person of principle and ethics to be constantly outvoted by the members of ones own party who seem to be unprincipled and dedicated to the destruction of the American society as we have known it.

The fact that there are sex offenders in the Congress and amongst Mr. Trump’s staff appointments is almost a distraction from the fact that this country continues to support a President who is himself a known sex offender, a liar and a possible criminal tax evader. It is no secret that he and his family are gaining financial benefit from the position that he holds.

Our democracy is proving to be a frail vessel for an individual who wants absolute control over the destruction of the society. Beware my friends. He is a total Dictator.

Gag the gaggers

Trump administration deprecates women worldwide

If the increase in worldwide population is the issue that many people believe it is, then we should look closely at our own Congress and our own government for the irresponsible role that they play. Among the very first actions taken by this administration was to institute a worldwide gag order which was wildly supported by the born again Christian right wing of the Republican Party. The gag order means that organizations anywhere in the world receiving government money would be cut off from funding if they so much as mention abortion, birth control or any other issues that effect women’s reproductive health.

It is obvious that these people in this administration are so ignorant and so abusive of women that they do not even understand the relationship between women’s ability to take control of their reproductive lives and the subsequent decrease in the rates of both the population and the number of abortions. The distribution of contraceptives  and information provided by the UN Population Fund prevented 3.7 million abortions last year, so obviously if you are against both population increase and abortion then you should logically support the UN Population Fund instead of destroying it.

The ignorant men in this administration should actually be forced to go out and visit some of the countries like Uganda, Rwanda, Nigeria, Sierra Leon and others, to see for themselves how both their cruelty and ignorance are forcing women to suffer from the consequences of poor care and lack of information during difficult pregnancies. By a simple pen stroke instituting the worldwide gag order, millions of women are condemned to suffering fistula, prolapses and agonizing deaths from childbirths and even cervical cancer. Much of this is avoidable through education, proper healthcare, family planning, birth control and sometimes even abortion.

Some of these conditions, such as an obstetric fistula, cause incredible pain and furthermore humiliation by the failure of their flesh to heal while their bodies rot away. An obstetric fistula is a hole between the vagina and rectum or bladder that is caused by prolonged obstructed labor, leaving a woman incontinent of urine or feces or both. This disease causes a foul body odor as well, creating a condition that seemingly justifies and empowers the community to shame and shun these women, leaving them to rot away, alone and uncared for.

The real shame belongs to the sanctimonious, ignorant misogynists who think that they represent God’s will on earth and claim themselves to be pro-life. So much suffering can hardly be called pro-life. It is making birth control medication and information available to these women that is pro life. Why don’t the sanctimonious misogynists with God on their side do something constructive to help women avoid abortions and reduce the rate of increase of the population? Instead the religious right is ravaging the health programs that might help decrease the disastrous plight of women. The worldwide gag order itself is a product of mean minded, selfish, cruel misogynists who are basically ignorant of the world and the problems that abound in it.

Do these misogynists really represent the United States? Do they really believe that their daughters, wives, sisters, nieces, granddaughters, cousins are not using birth control? Is it only because their wives and children can afford to buy it that they are allowed to have it and use it? Does that mean that the poorer people of the world or working class of America are not to be allowed to have access to family planning? Does that mean it should be removed from corporate insurance policies because it saves them money? Is this America? Is this why we can’t have a health plan affordable to everybody in the United States supported by the Insurance Companies and Pharmaceutical Companies? Is it really the job of the Congress to deny these rights to everybody in need in the world? Is that what America has come to?

The answer is hit the streets. Vote. Run these people out of office.

Pit Fall: Trump fails America’s health

I find it so incredibly disturbing that, aside from Trump’s total inadequacy, unpreparedness, egocentricity and everything else that should disqualify him as a human being let alone, as President of the United States, he has  been allowed to put together a cabinet of people who are basically unqualified for the jobs to which they have been appointed. It is hard to believe that he is supported by a Congress of religious fanatics who instead of serving the less fortunate, are bent on destroying all of the support systems that have been set up in the last 84 years since President Franklin Delano Roosevelt. All of these people are wealthy basically and I suppose that if any of them had to pay for their own healthcare out of their pockets they probably could do so. Certainly the Trump family who seem to be making money everyday that their father is the President of this country, I suppose they could afford it. However for most people in this country who are not crooks and who do not play the system, who just work as hard as they can to survive and to pay their rent and put food on the table, those people and most Americans depend on their health insurance plan to save them and their families if they are struck by some long term illness or sudden emergency.

I simply am unable to understand why anyone would not want to support affordable care for everyone, a bill that took generations to finally achieve. We are the only nation in the developed world that did not have a national health program. Finally Obama managed to squeeze through an imperfect one. Okay Mr. wheel and deal Trump, go deal with the insurance companies and the pharmaceutical companies and fix the Affordable Care Act so that it makes medical insurance available at the same price for everybody across the country. It should be affordable for everyone, young and old, rich and poor. Even young people can have emergencies, they too may need the coverage even though they may think that youth is on their side. As far as the insurance companies are concerned, with that many people on the insurance plan they will be making plenty of money anyway but it should not be a source of profiteering. And they will anyway be making more by insuring cars, homes etc. But health insurance should be set at an affordable price for everyone. I really don’t understand the selfish, mean mindedness of Trump and this Congress. I fail to understand why these religious fanatics, the right wing of the Republican party are so bent on destroying the health and lives of their own constituence. Where does the Bible teach them to serve themselves? Where does their religion teach them to profit from sickness and desperation?

The public needs to be knowledgable enough to force Trump and the Congress and the Senate and his cabinet to IMPROVE the Affordable Care Act but NOT to destroy it. These people, this administration care more about money in their own pockets, than they do about the welfare the nation.

Rise up America! Take action before it is too late. Vote to improve the level of leadership and education, before we end up with an ignorant public voting for the destruction of America and American values.


Just to give some perspective to what it would have meant if this administration’s original proposal of cuts to the arts had been approved by the Congress and Senate. Fortunately for this country even this conservative Congress recognized that it is only through the arts that people of all persuasions, of all ethnicities, of all cultures can reach out to each other and share values. Art speaks to people regardless of what language they may speak because art is basically non-verbal. No spoken common language is required nor is it necessary to be a Republican nor Democrat, neither to be rich bascially poor, or black or white to enjoy and understand the artwork that hangs in great museums all over the world. Music is an international language, whether it is the Beatles or a Philharmonic Orchestra or the musical stage. Through music and the visual arts, people can communicate with each other. The arts have something to do with the shared humanity of people all over the world regardless of language or economic status.

Of the many organizations working in America to provide children with some form of art. I happen to be serving on the board of two organizations that by themselves are living proof of how effective for instance, music is in the lives of children of all ages. Some years back, we founded the Special Music School. Children from all the boroughs come to the Special Music School to audition. All they need to have is some unrecognized but testable musical talent. They come to school at the age of six and over time they try different instrument and eventually settle on the instrument of their choice. THIS IS A PUBLIC SCHOOL! This is not a charter school. Our children get a regular 1-12 public school education plus a quality music education. They do exceptionally well in their academics, and they also work individually and together in ensemble groups to play music together and to reach out to each other sharing a major life experience. Another organization providing children with a life changing experience is the Interschool Orchestras of New York City. This is an after school activity, founded 45 years ago by Annabelle Prager. For many years we did not charge a child to attend or to play in an orchestra, all the child needed to do was to be able to play an instrument at any level to get into the appropriate orchestra. The children are placed not by age but rather by ability. Over time, unfortunately we have had to initiate a fee for participation in the orchestras. However we still fund any child who’s family cannot afford to pay for their child’s participation. This would have changed radically with reduced funding to the arts.

These children come from all the boroughs. They could be out joining gangs and fighting on the streets. They could be doing a lot of harmful things instead of their constructive participation in the world of music. Their lives, their futures would be directly effected by any selfish and narrow-minded defunding of the National Endowment for the Arts (NEA) and National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH). The arts and humanities in the United States could have fallen victim to budget cuts.

The NEH, NEA and the Corporation for Public Broadcasting (CPB), only received a total of 0.05% all together of the Federal budget, the cost per individual citizen is only $1.35 dollars a year. CPB strives to support diverse programs and services that inform, educate, enlighten and enrich the public through grants. It encourages the development of content that addresses the needs of underserved audiences, especially children and minorities . Compared to other countries it is a pittance. Recently France increased the budget of its Ministry of Culture to $3.2 BILLION, and we are talking about more or less $750 million spent on the arts and humanities in the U.S. The truth of the matter is that taking this money away from the arts and humanities would not have contribute anything towards reducing the national debt nor balancing the budget.

Lockheed Martin’s F-35 fighter is being built at a cost of $132 million per plane. With all the problems accompanying the development of the F-35 program, it will end up costing the taxpayers $1.5 Trillion.
It is perfectly clear that if Trump is as rich as he claims he is, then he could pay the entire NEH , CPB, and NEA budget out of his own pocket and still be a multi millionaire. Certainly any number of members out of Trump’s cabinet could afford out of their own pockets to fund the NEH, NEA and CPB by themselves and remain perfectly solvent.

It is mind boggling as to why these incredibly wealthy people would even have thought to take money away from the arts and culture thus depriving the majority of the public from access to spiritual, intellectual and humanizing experiences. How is it possible to understand how these people thought to cut a program which helps to unify people, which helps people understand each other, which communicates our common humanity, which cost so little compared to the ugly mean programs of war and hatred and violence?

Even as iIam writing this I realize that these CUTS TO THE ARTS AND HUMANITIES WOULD HAVE BEEN A FORM OF CENSORSHIP. This administration does not want to reach out to help the poor and brutalized people of the world. It is after all, through the arts that we are able to bring information and communications to change behavior in order to help them rise out of poverty. Through music, arts, and story telling, we are able to enrich and change lives. It would seem clear that this administrations does not want an informed public on any level.

Remember that the Nazis burned all the books and all of the art. Stalin did the same. Depriving people of experiencing art in its many forms is a way of shutting people up and out. Censorship of the arts is a way of controlling people’s freedom.



As I look around at the United States today, it seems to me that all the progress that has been made in a multitude of areas is suddenly being eroded. Starting with the subjects of religion and education, this country which was founded on the principle of religious freedom had over time become more tolerant of religious differences, rather than less tolerant. It has always been my understanding that religion was not to factor into Government policy and certainly not into public education. There was always to be a separation of Church and State.

As I look around these days, I see more and more encroachment of religion on the Government of the United States. And like so much else that is happening in this country since Mr. Trump’s presidency, religion is creeping into the schools, religion is even affecting NGO’s working in underserved, underfed, underdeveloped communities around the world. Suddenly Federal money is being taken away from NGO’s for even mentioning the idea of abortion. Obviously this a Government policy based on religious bias.

Religious schools and public schools are the basis of education in the United States. And ultimately may therefore effect policies made by the Government of the United Sates. The education of the public ultimately becomes a Governmental issue. There should be no Government money paid out to any religious institution. All religious institutions, Churches, Synagogues and Mosques and any other religious institutions should pay taxes the way any other corporation does. Anybody has the right to practice his/her religion and to support their Churches, their Mosques, their Synagogues, their whatever. It is the province of the Government to ensure freedom of religion, but it should not be within the province of the Government to financially support or institutionalize any individual religion, religious concept or religious institution. I believe that public schools financed by the Government and charged with education of the public should teach the history and meaning of every religion in depth as well as in its historical context. Religion has played a huge part in the rise of capitalism and nationalism around the world and it should be taught in that historical context.

Recently a woman was fired from a Muslim school receiving public financial support. She was teaching the children that the story of Adam and Eve was a myth. Well what is it if it is not a myth? What proof is there anywhere, that anything in the Bible whether it is the New or the Old Testament is based on fact? After all, the Old Testament was handed down story by story over hundreds of years, and the New Testament was written four hundred years after the death of Christ. Taxpayer money should not be supporting religious private schools which are often narrow minded and belief driven. No individual religion should be permitted to be taught in Government funded schools. I believe that no religious doctrine should be supported in any public school. The point is that tax payer money, should not be supporting these private religious institutions. These religious institutions should all only be supported by private money. Taxpayer money should only be used to educate the public in accordance with tested and proven levels of education. Keep religion out of public education and out of policies made by the Government.

There are NGO’s all over the United States working in war-torn countries, where poverty, starvation, rape and death are everyday occurrences. Yet Mr. Trump is refusing to fund those very organizations that are helping women by providing healthcare, safe abortion or even for mentioning the possibility thereof. I believe that this is an insinuation of religious prejudice into both education and Government policy.

I seriously question whether the Government of the United States should be depriving organizations of funding because they support the rights of women to make personal decisions about their own lives. This is a clear example of religious bias determining Government policy, a clear violation of the separation of Church and State. Mr. Trump and his religious horse whisperer are guilty as charged.

Even as i am writing this I feel my blood pressure and my anger rising. I am ready to hit the streets again. I hope you’ll join me.

A Cautionary Tale

Syria conflict: Thousands hanged at Saydnaya prison, Amnesty says (from BBC News 7 February 2017)

A new report by the human rights group alleges that mass hangings took place every week at Saydnaya prison between September 2011 and December 2015. As many as 13,000 people, most of them civilian opposition supporters, have been executed in secret at a prison in Syria, Amnesty International says. Amnesty says the alleged executions were authorized at the highest levels of the Syrian government. The government has previously denied killing or mistreating detainees. Amnesty interviewed 84 people, including former guards, detainees and officials at Saydnaya prison for its report. It alleges that every week, and often twice a week, groups of between 20 and 50 people were executed in total secrecy at the facility, just north of Damascus. Before their execution, detainees were brought before a “military field court” in the capital’s Qaboun district for “trials” lasting between one and three minutes, the report says. A former military court judge quoted by Amnesty said detainees would be asked if they had committed crimes alleged to have taken place. “Whether the answer is ‘yes’ or ‘no’, he will be convicted… This court has no relation with the rule of law,” he said.

According to the report, detainees were told on the day of the hangings that they would be transferred to a civilian prison. Then they were taken to a basement cell and beaten over the course of two or three hours. Then in the middle of the night they were blindfolded and moved to another part of the prison, where they were taken into a room in the basement and told they had been sentenced to death just minutes before nooses were placed around their necks, the report adds.

On the basis of evidence of the testimony of its witnesses, Amnesty estimates that between 5,000 and 13,000 people were executed at Saydnaya over a five year period.

Witness accounts. A former judge who saw the hangings:

“They kept them [hanging] there for 10 to 15 minutes. Some didn’t die because they are light. For the young ones, their weight wouldn’t kill them. The officers’ assistants would pull them down and break their necks.”

Former detainee ‘Sameer’ describes alleged abuse:

“The beating was so intense. It was as if you had a nail, and you were trying again and again to beat it into a rock. It was impossible, but they just kept going. I was wishing they would just cut off my legs instead of beating them any more.”

Source: Amnesty International. Amnesty says these practices amounted to war crimes and crimes against humanity.

Last August, Amnesty reported that an estimated 17,723 people had died in custody as a result of torture and the deprivation of food, water and medical care between March 2011 – when the uprising against President Assad began – and December 2015. That figure did not include those allegedly hanged at Saydnaya.

(That brings the total deaths to 24,000-30,000 when all the deaths are added up)

For the full article go to:


This is the cautionary tale. When you read this article, you will understand why this country, the USA, and its constitution provide a check and balance system which is supposed to uphold the rule of law. This is what is totally lacking in President Assad’s assault on humanity. It represents a clear and present danger to the United States under President Trump.

I think this article makes clear what happens to a nation that has as head of state, be that a Prime Minister, President or other, who is willing and able to act without restraint and where the government has managed to stack the cards against the citizens. We in America are facing some very difficult times now and in the future.

Over time our two party system has become increasingly polarized. Although members of the Congress and the Senate are elected AS INDIVIDUALS  to represent their local constituencies it is clear that they no longer function as individuals. When you realize that only two Republican Senators, Susan Collins of Maine and Lisa Murkowski of Alaska, voted against Trump’s totally unqualified appointee DeVos as Secretary of Education, it is an outstanding example of how members of the Congress vote with their party and not with their conscience, their intelligence or their integrity. There is no way in this world that thinking individuals could vote for a Secretary of Education who has had no experience in the educational system, who has clearly favored private schools over public education. She has shown no respect for the constitutional rule freeing schools from religion. As the vote on her appointment came to 50/50, of course Mr. Pence cast the single majority vote, obviously in support of the appointment made by his boss, President Trump.

This is a minor example of what happens when the check and balance system no longer functions. When every Presidential whim, dictate or desire will be upheld by at least 50% of the Congress and a majority of 1, you begin to see how Syria ultimately became a total dictatorship— a government of 1, responsible to none.

While the example found in our thoughtless and egotistical leader may seem like a far cry from the deplorable state of Assad’s Syria, it is important to see how a lawless leadership can lead to the dismantling of a freedom that so many generations have fought and died to give us.

This is a time for the citizens of the United States to be vigilant in safeguarding their freedoms.

Remember, the German’s voted for Hitler, the Italians for Mussolini.

United We Stand, Divided We Fall

Considering the fact that Donald Trump thinks that he is Gods gift to women, I a woman, find him to be the most unattractive, unreliable and dishonest human being that I have ever run across. He is unattractive looking, he is overweight, he has bleached woven hair which he combs to look like the fin of a blowfish. He has squinty eyes with bags underneath them, which he touches up with makeup. He has a constantly sniffing nose, making one wonder whether he is on drugs or not. He has an ugly turned down sulky mouth which sometimes becomes a hole, giving the impression of a small fish. To top it all off, he is a nasty ill mannered narcissistic bully. He is a cheat, a liar, a smart alec, and to boot he is only semi-literate and speaks the English language poorly. Come to think if it, maybe English is not after all his first language.

All of the above would normally describe someone who surely should not be eligible to even be considered for the office of the Presidency of the United States. However amazing as it has been, not only that he received the support of the weak livered fascistic, divided Republican Party, but he has also won the support of many millions of people in the United States. The needs, the fears, the anger and despair of these people must be addressed. These people are part of a large number of American citizens who’s lives have been totally upended largely by the technological revolution through which we are at present living. Most of these people have worked hard all of their lives and have paid their bills on time and have been comfortably settled into the lower end of the middle class. Now suddenly they have found themselves without jobs and with the pattern of their lives being shifted by job loss, into insecurity without the potential of being retrained for other work. The outlook is grim and those people are angry, insecure and they want change. Especially within the United States government.

Since their problems have not been addressed by the Government, they obviously want to change the institution which they blame for their plight. Of course they want change, and of course they want jobs. Some jobs could be provided by the government, if the government were truly run by the people and for the people. Roosevelt did it in the 1930s, Obama tried to do it by seeking the financing to invest in infrastructure. But alas the broken GOP couldn’t allow funding. Instead they shut down the government with no thought what so ever as to what this could mean to the nation as a whole or to this population of vulnerable people. Donald Trump has appealed to these people and played upon their fear and anger. He has told them that he and he alone can fix all of their problems, and they believe him. He has reached out to exacerbate their fears, their angler and their sense of abandonment. He has been the most divisive and the most dangerous politician in this country since the Civil War. He has damaged the United States in the eyes of the entire world. And he has made us more vulnerable as a nation. The recent China-Philippine pact is an example of the kind of alignments that may result from his rhetoric.

The banks, the press, and some elements of the public are supporting him. They believe his lies, his boasting and his vicious divisiveness. He is putting this country in clear and imminent danger. The press must consider how much coverage he should have compared to Hillary. This Nation, these United States need to be brought together again in order to be strong again in the eyes of the world. We must not allow this depraved man to rip us asunder.

Rise and Shine

The generation that follows Bernie Sanders is not without merit. What they are expressing basically is uncertainty and insecurity regarding their future. They look at trade agreements and don’t really understand them. Therefore they blame the economic problems and loss of jobs on these agreements. Of course they have caused some loss of jobs in America, but many more have been lost due to the technological revolution that we are living through. Our society as a whole, and our educational systems have not caught up with the new demands. These agreements have allowed America to export technology, and to import goods into the U.S at much lower cost than we could produce them ourselves and thereby enabling this country and the Bernie Sanders crusaders to live at a lower cost than would otherwise be possible. This does not mean that there are no problems facing this country. As Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren have pointed out, this country faces huge problems of economic disparity and social injustice, to say nothing of rampant racial discrimination.

We have allowed our Democracy to be taken over by the oligarchs, the people with huge individual fortunes. They have bought the electoral system of this country and a Supreme Court that allows them through Citizens United to support the gun lobby and to continue to deny this country even a modicum of security from guns held in the hands of the mentally ill or the criminally insane.

Basically, the future of this country is in the hands of the voters. If the Bernie Sanders followers do not go out to vote, there is no possible way that they can change this country, to move it forward, or to get the Government that they want. If they believe in free speech, and if they believe in Democracy then Bernie’s followers have also to understand that not everyone in the United States is ready to support a Socialist state. In order to have free schooling, free university, free medical care, plus Medicaid and Social Security, one way or another everyone would have to pay probably 73% in Taxes overall. You want all of this, but you don’t want government in your lives.

The Clintons are subjected to a constant barrage of criticism. No one seems to remember that this country had no debt when Clinton left office. Yes, he has raised money from around the world, but why should he not? The Clinton Foundation helped to produce a medication that was affordable and that he delivered to millions and millions of children and adults around the world. Where people were and are mired in poverty he has helped to reduce the spread AIDS from devastating and killing.  We should also understand and remember that it was Hillary who tried to get the first national health plan for this country. This was the only country in the developed world that did not have a national health plan. It was a failed plan. The present Obama plan also has problems. It needs to be fixed. And over time it probably will be. And there is no question that limitations need to be placed on the pharmaceutical companies and insurance companies to bring down the health care costs. However, had it not been for Hillary, this country would probably not have had a conversation about national health care.

If you want to change things, go out and vote. When you vote for the people whom you want to represent you in Congress, the Senate, in your local offices, you become the establishment. Its not all about the Presidency. By defaulting and not voting the “Bernie or bust” crowed will elect Trump. Trump does not care about your jobs, nor does he care about your future, nor does he care about your freedom, nor does he care about what is good for the country. He only cares about what is good for his pocket and golf courses. He is a demagogue, a narcissist and a dictator. He provides lip service to jobs, but so far has only given jobs to special visa immigrant workers whom he brings into this country to work at lower wages than locally unemployed people.

If we do not take command ourselves of our government, and if we do not understand how important our vote is to the future of this country, Bernie’s crusade will not be any different from the children’s crusade of the 13th century. When European children went to convert the Muslims to Christianity and 98% of the children died and nothing ever changed.
We the voters of this country are the establishment. The choice will be between Hillary and Trump. Bernie is not an option. If you do not vote for Hillary, you will be voting for Trump. If you do not vote, you will be voting for Trump. Your obligation is to vote, and if it is Hillary, keep the pressure her and on the Congress and Senate of your choice. We can make the changes. We the voters are the establishment.


This country, the United States of America has gone completely off the charts.
Trump has taken over the sanity of a large portion of the population.. The major news casters of CNN, ABC, CBS and FOX have given Trump 400 million dollars  worth of free publicity per month, but No one seems to care.

He is a consummate liar. He has a history with the mob. He has dealt with the Mafia over and  over again out of choice..  Apparently he has done business constantly with the Gambino family boss John Gotti, but when a reporter asked Trump about his highest stake gambler in the casino, Trump said “I wouldn’t know him if he stood in front of me”.

He knowingly ordered limousines made by another  known crook who was convicted for the theft of auto parts. No one seems to care.

Early on in his career Trump’s lawyer  was Roy Cohn. Roy Cohn was totally supportive of Senator McCarthy, the most right wing fascist America has ever produced.Careers and lives were destroyed by these people and their outrageous lies. No one seems to care.

The fact that he advocates for a police force that sounds like the Gestapo, or that he has bankrupted one company after another,or  that he lies like a rug,that he flip flops on every issue because of his abysmal ignorance. No one seems to care.

His foreign policy consist of building a wall across the Mexican border with the United State.Where really will that wall go? No one seems to care. Actually he should start in Maine, come all the way down the coast past New York City and run down and around Florida, the Gulf, and California all the way up the pacific coast to Canada. Maybe then he can keep out this strange influx of illegal immigrants whom he views as rapists. His ideas are mainly stupid but no one seems to care.

He brings  immigrants  into the country to staff his hotels because he wont pay the higher  wages to people who are  legal American workers. No one seems to care. If you want to talk about outsourcing jobs, I hear that he has his clothes made in China because its cheaper. His third IMMIGRANT wife also has her clothes made there I am told. I don’t know if this is true. But it probably is.

This man, Donald Trump,who is hoping to become  the President of the United States of America  does not even speak English properly.   No one seems to  care…

Despite the fact that he has never served a day in any of the armed service, even in the reserve, he thinks that he knows how a to run the Pentagon, the  Airforce, the Army,Navy and the Marines.. He also seems to think that he has the right to criticize Senator McCain for having been shot down,captured, tortured and imprisoned, because he considers him to be a loser. No one seems to care

He has  never held ANY public office or government position and his ideas and knowledge of  foreign policy were gleaned from his experience in running  a Miss Universe Beauty contest in Moscow. No one seems to care.

The fact that he has been married three times. What does that say about family values? No one worries about his family values or his attitude towards women. He would punish women and deny them  the right to make their own choices regarding their bodies. No one seems to care about that either.

He is a narcissist, an egotist who has to put his name on any surface he can put it on. He even franchises his name so that he can get it in more places. His name is on every building for ten blocks on the Hudson River. I am told that he didn’t even build those buildings.They are only franchises. Now he is putting his name on the old Pose Office in Washington D.C., a beautiful old building which he will convert to a Trump hotel. The sign says, “Trump, Coming to Washington”. . His name is franchised all over the country, and he collects major money for that. The banks have loaned him millions as they can’t let him fail because he owes them so much. None seems to care.

IF HE WERE NOT TRYING TO BECOME PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES it might not matter that outside of the Real Estate business he doesn’t know much about anything.  That he is basically an ignorant man.He has little or no understanding of the underlying issues in America. He does not like the American labor force. He will not help people who need help because they are losers. He will make a great country great again by destroying this country and all the values that it has had. He will divide the Nation and encourage anger and  violence.He has already demonstrated this at his rallies. No one seems to care.

Were he to become the President, he would make this country the laughing stock of the entire world. Our allies are quaking in their boots. They are already beginning to have doubts about our ability to support  our partnerships. No one seems to care.

Tell me ONE good thing about Donald Trump, just ONE, because I can’t think of any.Tell me one reason that this  man should represent the United States to the World. He’s against the poor. He’s against the immigrants. He’s a racist. He’s a misogynist. The fact that he is ignorant, cynical and a consummate and perpetual liar , totally without principle. No one seems to care.

He has no platform and no policies because he is basically ignorant  and unqualified to be The President of The United States of America. He only knows how to slander Hillary because she’s a woman. The irrelevant fact that he is fat, ugly and looks like a blow fish who poorly attempt to hide the bags under his eyes by wearing pink makeup, no one seems to care because he is a man.

Hillary may not be perfect. No one who has been in the political arena for any length of time is likely to be pure as the driven snow. But Hillary has served this country long and well.  If you want to make changes in the Government,vote for a Senate and a Congress who will support  making those changes.Call the Newscasters .Get Trump off the airways or at least give equal time to Hillary. Make your voice heard. If you care. Take action. Dump Trump.


The Trump Card

By what god given right does Donald Trump have to be Judge and Jury of anybody who has ever served in the United States Armed Forces? As far as I know, Trump has never served for one single day in any capacity for the benefit of the United States. And Probably avoided service in the armed forces as well.

Senator John McCain served in the United States Air Force during the Vietnam war, was shot down, was severely wounded and carried off to the most incredible, horrible prison torture cell in Vietnam. I have been there, I have seen what it was like . I know how the Vietnamese treated their prisoners during the Vietnam war.

One has the right to agree or disagree with Senator McCain’s political views, but no one has the right to condemn his service to the Unite States of America, neither as a Senator or as a member of the armed forces. Unlike Trump who has done nothing else for this country except to bully people, for six years McCain chose to stay in prison. He could have gotten out sooner, but chose to stay with other imprisoned members of the armed forces. How dare Trump call McCain a looser?

Now he has the nerve to appoint himself as Judge and Jury of another American soldier, Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl who served in Afghanistan. I personally don’t believe that any soldier in his right mind would leave the safety of his post and go AWOL in a place like Afghanistan. I don’t know what state of mind he was in at the time of his defection. I realize that it cost the lives of other American Soldiers who had to go out and search for him. It certainly endangered them.

How dare Donald Trump who has never served a day in the military publicly condemn a soldier. At least let the man have the right to go through the proper channels to be tried and judged. How dare Trump decide who is a traitor, and who should be shot and killed.

Trump is a proven cheat and liar. As far I know, he is not known for his service, but rather, presently for his dis-service to this country. He has demeaned the electoral system, and by so doing he has demeaned the Presidency.

I have heard that trump is wearing a bulletproof vest. I guess he thinks that there are people out there who think that it is he who should be shot.