Gone are the Days

The election of Donald Trump as President of the United States (the oldest and most despicable president ever elected) is perhaps one of the most disappointing and saddening moments in the history of this country.

Respect for decency, honesty, and integrity have gone out the window with his election. Women in our society have been making progress towards equality and respect. Respect not just to stay at home as moms and housekeepers and cooks, but respect for their right to enter the workforce on an equal level with men.

Carolyn Agger was the first woman to attend Yale Law School. She was the only woman in her class, and that was in 1935. That was the beginning of the trend for women entering the workforce on equal footing with men, and even today, they are still paid less.

The election of Trump, a misogynist, a man who is disrespectful of women and who has lived his life showing no respect, shows that a vast number of men in the states must be supporting him.

This has to do with the fact that they are unemployed. Disrespect and disregard for women will not salve the ego of a generation of men who have lost their jobs amidst technological development.

Women are multitaskers. They are perfectly capable of running the house, taking care of the children, and getting food on the table, all while satisfying the emotional and physical desires of their husbands. Many of them do all of that while holding successful jobs.

Some men in America recognize and appreciate the women in their lives, others like the newly elected President of the United States, are disrespectful and belittling of women. Trump, decided that he knows better than women, and that he is going to take care of them “whether they like it or not”. His notion of caring for women has been made perfectly clear by his grand first step of overthrowing of Roe v. Wade.

Women should refuse to have sex or children until such time as Mr. Trump decides to respect Women and their ability to make decisions about their own bodies with no ignorant input from him.

Women of America. Hit the Streets and fight for your rights.