Something has gone agley with America. Certainly the founding fathers never dreamt that crooks and criminals would dominate the government of the United States.
How naive it was to think that only decent people who believed in the democracy and who wanted to do the best for the country, that they would be the dominant public servants.
Today every time you turn around, starting with Trump, Vance, and the mayor of New York City, it is hard to find a public servant who doesn’t have a criminal background or record. We the decent people of America must band together to support decent public servants.
Right now, whether you think Kamala Harris is good, bad, or indifferent, she is a decent person. She will make every effort to do what is best for America and she will get honest advice from decent people around her. That is already one hundred percent of an improvement over having despicable people represent the United States.
Your vote counts, you must vote for Kamala.