Beware America

Trump will be the first president of the United States who will take office as a convicted criminal, who has managed to avoid sentencing.

He has corrupted the entire justice system of the United States — starting with the Supreme court, which has created a condition of immunity for him and his irresponsible behavior.

He has exhibited no interest in benefitting this country or in maintaining the democracy under which we have thrived. His only wish in life is to satisfy his own ego and to race America towards its own destruction. 

It is obvious that this country needs to have laws against the decimation of false information, delivered under the guise of truth. Unfortunately, people believe what they are told. Freedom of speech should not be defined as the right to disseminate lies and misinformation to the public.

This is not freedom of speech. This is the method used by autocrats and dictators to control a naïve, ignorant, and uneducated public.

Beware America! For the next four years, Trump will try to destroy us. With the help of Putin, Trump’s keeper, he could succeed.