Back Biden Better

Everybody who wants to save this country, anyone who is interested in living in a democracy, anyone who cares about America and how it is viewed by the world, has to support Biden at this time.

It doesn’t really matter that Biden is not a good speaker, which he has never been. He is not a circus barker like Trump. But look at his record, he has reduced inflation, the cost of medication, he has built back bridges and infrastructure, saved families from starvation, he raised the wage level in the country, reduced unemployment to the lowest its ever been, and he came up with a plan that both Democrats and Republicans agreed on for Boarder Control. First Trump and his republican cohorts agreed on it then they destroyed it .

Just realize that Roosevelt was a pretty great president, but he couldn’t walk an inch without being carried. Of course being 81 is not that same as being 50 or 60, but we don’t have a 50 or 60 year old at the moment who could beat Trump.

If Trump is elected it will be the same as living in Nazi Germany under Hitler. Hitler was also elected by the people. America went to war for World War 2 to prevent Hitlers destruction of Europe and America. Now we have a Hitler within, ready to take over the nation, with a huge following of people who do not understand that they would be giving up their democracy if Trump became President.

Once, Biden is President, at least it will be possible to disagree with his policies or whatever he wants to do. If Trump becomes President there will be no room for disagreement.

Don’t forget that Trump himself has told us how great he thinks Putin is. Also, he thinks the Mein Kampf is one of the greatest books ever written. He would destroy NATO, isolate the United States, destroy the bonds and contracts that have kept the country safe for 52 years without a war.

Aside from all of that, don’t forget he is a man who has been convicted of 34 felonies, has committed treason against the United States. Sure it would be better if we had a young vital candidate for the Democratic party, but we don’t. We have a man who has been successful in government for 45 years or more. He may stutter, and may not have the stamina of a 45 year old, but that doesn’t mean he can’t successfully run the country.

This seems an in opportune moment to switch horses. Roll up your sleeves, get on your telephone, and get out to vote in favor of Biden.