Like it or not, the climate will change.

Climate Change is happening rapidly. The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)has  announced national limits on carbon pollution from existing power plants,  the single largest source of carbon emissions in the Untied States. Even though a majority of the Americans in our country today want our government to take forceful steps to combat climate change, Congress does not seem …

Finally, A Brilliant Explanation of Obama’s Middle East Policy (Source: Aubrey Bailey, Fleet)

Finally, A Brilliant Explanation of Obama’s Middle East Policy (Source: Aubrey Bailey, Fleet)   U.S. Middle East Policy Is Clear As Mud Are you confused by what is going on in the Middle East? Let me explain. We support the Iraqi government in its fight against the Islamic State. We don’t like the Islamic State, but the Islamic …

Knock out the heavy weight

On a recent trip to Costco uptown on 116th Street, I noticed that almost all the children were overweight and most of the adult customers as well. The average weight of the American child has been climbing since the 1980s. Now 1 in 3 kids are obese or overweight. Projecting this observation, in about 10 …

Death and Destruction of Manhattan

New York City is in the process of becoming the worlds ugliest city. It is my understanding that it is Mr.Bloomberg our former mayor who gave out permits, left, right and center for anyone to build the highest,ugliest buildings ever seen by man, to be built helter skelter in Manhattan. Apparently no one in this city’s …