I have always wondered what is the benefit of being a dictator. I have never heard of a dictator under whom a country flourished. The possible exception being Singapore, under the benevolent dictatorship of Lee Kuan Yew. I’m not sure that I really understand the rational of having total power over a country whose economy …
Author Archives: quickrita2000
Gag the gaggers
Trump administration deprecates women worldwide If the increase in worldwide population is the issue that many people believe it is, then we should look closely at our own Congress and our own government for the irresponsible role that they play. Among the very first actions taken by this administration was to institute a worldwide gag …
Pit Fall: Trump fails America’s health
I find it so incredibly disturbing that, aside from Trump’s total inadequacy, unpreparedness, egocentricity and everything else that should disqualify him as a human being let alone, as President of the United States, he has been allowed to put together a cabinet of people who are basically unqualified for the jobs to which they have …
Just to give some perspective to what it would have meant if this administration’s original proposal of cuts to the arts had been approved by the Congress and Senate. Fortunately for this country even this conservative Congress recognized that it is only through the arts that people of all persuasions, of all ethnicities, of all …
As I look around at the United States today, it seems to me that all the progress that has been made in a multitude of areas is suddenly being eroded. Starting with the subjects of religion and education, this country which was founded on the principle of religious freedom had over time become more tolerant …
A Cautionary Tale
Syria conflict: Thousands hanged at Saydnaya prison, Amnesty says (from BBC News 7 February 2017) A new report by the human rights group alleges that mass hangings took place every week at Saydnaya prison between September 2011 and December 2015. As many as 13,000 people, most of them civilian opposition supporters, have been executed in secret …
United We Stand, Divided We Fall
Considering the fact that Donald Trump thinks that he is Gods gift to women, I a woman, find him to be the most unattractive, unreliable and dishonest human being that I have ever run across. He is unattractive looking, he is overweight, he has bleached woven hair which he combs to look like the fin …
Rise and Shine
The generation that follows Bernie Sanders is not without merit. What they are expressing basically is uncertainty and insecurity regarding their future. They look at trade agreements and don’t really understand them. Therefore they blame the economic problems and loss of jobs on these agreements. Of course they have caused some loss of jobs in …
This country, the United States of America has gone completely off the charts. Trump has taken over the sanity of a large portion of the population.. The major news casters of CNN, ABC, CBS and FOX have given Trump 400 million dollars worth of free publicity per month, but No one seems to care. He is …
The Trump Card
By what god given right does Donald Trump have to be Judge and Jury of anybody who has ever served in the United States Armed Forces? As far as I know, Trump has never served for one single day in any capacity for the benefit of the United States. And Probably avoided service in the …