What you do onto others may in turn be done onto you.

Two years ago, I wrote a blog about immigration in the United States and the lack of an immigration policy. I am reposting this here for you to read today because I think it still applies, and absolutely nothing has been done to change the conditions under which people come to find safety in the …

The Clock is Ticking on America

For the first time in my life I wake up every morning feeling a sense of shame at being an American.  What has happened to this country? What has happened to American values, to American compassion and generosity? How can we live without compassion for people living in the most dire conditions, deprived of safety, …

Dim, Dark Days

I am continuously upset with the born-again Christians who seem to have gained enormous power in this country, and especially with the present administration. They, like their Führer Trump, are without compassion, without brains, and, worst of all, without any sense of rationality. They believe that they alone should have the right to live above …

An Investment in Health is an Investment in Wealth

When I Have Fears Part 5 Before President Obama brought the concept of Nation Healthcare, we were the only country in the developed world that didn’t have a health program that covered every citizen. Perhaps ObamaCare was not perfect. It is my personal belief that medicare insurance should cost the same from one state to …

Access to Birth Control and Knowledge is a Human Right

When I Have Fears Part 3 If the increase in worldwide population is the issue that many people believe it is, then we should look closely at our own Congress and our own government for the irresponsible role that they play. Among the very first actions taken by this administration was to institute a worldwide …