America Beware

While on the subject of Trump, let it be known, that no bank in the world would lend him money expect the Deutche Bank. This bank, was completely funded by Putin.

So here you have Donald Trump totally beholden to Putin for the rest of his life. Putin’s one and single aim in life ultimately is the destruction of the American Democracy, and of America.

Putin has done everything he can to control our cyber space, to disseminate misinformation, and in many ways he has been successful. Americans who get their misinformation from certain channels and media influencers on TikTok are being manipulated to undermine our Democracy by Putin, and Donald Trump, the would be President of The United States.

The importance of this is to get the word out to his supporters, who probably do not have the information about Trump’s relationship to Putin.

Everyone in America needs to be aware that our democracy is in danger of being destroyed. If you have lived through World War 2, you would know and remember that Hitler was elected by the people and his aim was not only to annihilate the Jews, of whom he killed 6 million, but also to conquer all of Europe and ultimately America as well.

Although Trump does not pretend to be conquerer, he would on the other hand destroy NATO, turn America over to Putin, and totally destroy the country as we have known it.

There is nothing more to say about Trump. He is a destroyer.

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