When I Have Fears Part 3
If the increase in worldwide population is the issue that many people believe it is, then we should look closely at our own Congress and our own government for the irresponsible role that they play. Among the very first actions taken by this administration was to institute a worldwide gag order which was wildly supported by the born again Christian right wing of the Republican Party. The gag order means that organizations anywhere in the world receiving government money would be cut off from funding if they so much as mention abortion, birth control or any other issues that effect women’s reproductive health.
It is obvious that these people in this administration are so ignorant and so abusive of women that they do not even understand the relationship between women’s ability to take control of their reproductive lives and the subsequent decrease in the rates of both the population and the number of abortions. The distribution of contraceptives and information provided by the UN Population Fund prevented 3.7 million abortions last year, so obviously if you are against both population increase and abortion then you should logically support the UN Population Fund instead of destroying it.
The following weeks will be dedicated to listing Trump’s incredible moves against the United States of America and the Democracy for which we stand.
Action | Policy Area | Specific Policy Area | Date |
198. Prevented foreign NGOs which receive US funding from providing abortion counseling | Civil Rights | Gender Issues and Reproductive Rights | 23-Jan-2017 |
206. Provided the tie breaking vote to defund family planning clinics | Civil Rights | Gender Issues and Reproductive Rights | 30-Mar-2017 |
207. Mike Pence won’t eat alone with women other than his wife in a move that’s not just bizarre, but does tangibly harm progress on women’s rights | Civil Rights | Gender Issues and Reproductive Rights | 30-Mar-2017 |
208. Defunded a global maternal health organization which helps save tens of thousands of lives per year | Civil Rights | Gender Issues and Reproductive Rights | 3-Apr-2017 |
210. Ended Obama era rule that prohibited states from defunding healthcare providers which provide abortions | Civil Rights | Gender Issues and Reproductive Rights | 14-Apr-2017 |
211. Discontinued the “Let Girls Learn” program | Civil Rights | Gender Issues and Reproductive Rights | 1-May-2017 |
215. Broadened the Mexico City policy | Civil Rights | Gender Issues and Reproductive Rights | 16-May-2017 |
217. Moved to roll back birth control coverage | Civil Rights | Gender Issues and Reproductive Rights | 30-May-2017 |
219. Rejected the UN Human Rights Council’s call for access to safe abortions | Civil Rights | Gender Issues and Reproductive Rights | 23-Jun-2017 |
221. The education department’s civil rights head trivialized 90% of rape cases | Civil Rights | Gender Issues and Reproductive Rights | 12-Jul-2017 |
229. Removed a report on sexual violence from the White House website | Civil Rights | Gender Issues and Reproductive Rights | 30-Aug-2017 |
231. Moved to overhaul how colleges investigate sexual assault | Civil Rights | Gender Issues and Reproductive Rights | 7-Sep-2017 |
233. Appointed one woman for US attorney out of a total of 42, a horribly lopsided figure generally suggesting discrimination | Civil Rights | Gender Issues and Reproductive Rights | 12-Sep-2017 |
235. Backed a 20 week abortion ban | Civil Rights | Gender Issues and Reproductive Rights | 3-Oct-2017 |
237. Rushed to pack courts with anti-abortion, anti-LGBTQ judges | Civil Rights | Gender Issues and Reproductive Rights | 7-Oct-2017 |
238. Rolled back a mandate for health insurance to cover birth control | Civil Rights | Gender Issues and Reproductive Rights | 6-Oct-2017 |
244. Introduced a rule to shield healthcare workers who refuse to provide patients with healthcare services due to “moral objections” | Civil Rights | Gender Issues and Reproductive Rights | 16-Jan-2017 |
245. Rescinded guidance from the Obama Administration which prevented states from de- funding Planned Parenthood | Civil Rights | Gender Issues and Reproductive Rights | 19-Jan-2017 |
265. The Supreme Court enabled “crisis pregnancy centers” that mislead and outright lie to pregnant women by overturning a basic consumer protection that requires clinics to notify patients if they’re medically licensed and let them know their healthcare options | Civil Rights | Gender Issues and Reproductive Rights | 26-Jun-2018 |
271. Moved to issue new rules limiting the liability of Universities for sexual assault | Civil Rights | Gender Issues and Reproductive Rights | 29-Aug-2018 |
272. After it was revealed that his Supreme Court nominee, Brett Kavanaugh, had sexually harassed a classmate and lied under oath, continued to rush his nomination forward and sought to discredit his accuser | Civil Rights | Gender Issues and Reproductive Rights | 14-Sep-2018 |
275. Moved to expand the religious exemption for birth control coverage | Civil Rights | Gender Issues and Reproductive Rights | 19-Oct-2018 |
277. Moved to allow employers greater flexibility to deny health insurance covering birth control to their employees | Civil Rights | Gender Issues and Reproductive Rights | 31-Oct-2018 |
278. Published new rules denying birth control coverage mandated under Obamacare and billing Medicare and Medicaid users separately for abortion services | Civil Rights | Gender Issues and Reproductive Rights | 8-Nov-2018 |
279. Issued new rules protecting those accused of sexual harassment | Civil Rights | Gender Issues and Reproductive Rights | 16-Nov-2018 |
284. Moved to roll back roll back of anti- discrimination rules aimed at curbing actions that have a disparate impact on different groups of people based on ethnicity, gender and other characteristics | Civil Rights | Enfranchisement and Access | 2-Jan-2018 |
285. A Federal Court blocked the administration’s expansion of religious exemptions to providing birth control in #275, citing dire public health and financial consequences | Civil Rights | Gender Issues and Reproductive Rights | 13-Jan-2018 |
See a full list of Trump’s actions against the United States of America here