How Deaf are the Dumb and the Blind?

How stupid can Donald Trump’s appointee be? How stupid can Trump be to suggest his appointee should be in charge of the military or anything for that matter?

His appointee for Secretary of Defense, Pete Hegseth, says that women should not serve in the military. Yet, he has made it imminently clear by his ignorance of American History that he himself is unqualified to serve. He says that women should not serve, well, let’s look at the history…

In WWII, it was women who helped build the airplanes, ships, and munitions that were sent to fight in the war overseas. And it was the women who delivered the planes, factory to field, freeing the men in the service to fight WWII in Korea and Japan. And it was in these planes that were delivered by women, that were armed with the first radar for the daylight raids over Berlin. And it was those planes that shattered Germany.

Throughout WWII, “nearly 350,000 American women served in uniform, both at home and abroad, volunteering for the newly formed Women’s Army Auxiliary Corps, the Navy Women’s Reserve…, the Marine Corps Women’s Reserve, the Coast Guard Women’s Reserve…, the Women Airforce Service Pilots…, the Army Nurses Corps, and the Navy Nurse Corps. General Eisenhower felt that he could not win the war without the aid of the women in uniform.”

Why doesn’t President-elect, Donald Trump, study the history of the United States before he makes his appointments of unqualified individuals?

Beware America

Trump will be the first president of the United States who will take office as a convicted criminal, who has managed to avoid sentencing.

He has corrupted the entire justice system of the United States — starting with the Supreme court, which has created a condition of immunity for him and his irresponsible behavior.

He has exhibited no interest in benefitting this country or in maintaining the democracy under which we have thrived. His only wish in life is to satisfy his own ego and to race America towards its own destruction. 

It is obvious that this country needs to have laws against the decimation of false information, delivered under the guise of truth. Unfortunately, people believe what they are told. Freedom of speech should not be defined as the right to disseminate lies and misinformation to the public.

This is not freedom of speech. This is the method used by autocrats and dictators to control a naïve, ignorant, and uneducated public.

Beware America! For the next four years, Trump will try to destroy us. With the help of Putin, Trump’s keeper, he could succeed.

America’s War on Women  

There is no possible way to understand what it is that is driving America to become increasingly retrogressive.

On the political spectrum, there are more and more politicians who want less and less government, except when it comes to women, whose right it should be to choose for them, their health and their own bodies.

Forty-one years ago the then respected Supreme Court decided on Roe v. Wade which was a really progressive step for women in this country. And now, all these years later, suddenly this ultra conservative, right-wing gang of Trump’s kiss the ring thugs wants the government to set women back to the Middle Ages.

What right in this world do these men, who are mostly Republicans, have to bring the government in to control issues defining women’s health or the right to choose?

These right wing Politicians who want no government involvement and no government interference with anything that has to do with them, their businesses, their taxes or their perceived  right to lie or to rob the public. For that they don’t want government involvement.

However, when it comes to women’s rights, they want government to step in to deny women the right to be protected ,whether from rape, violence, unwanted pregnancies, regardless of age or health or financial obstacles or anything else that might make having a child a problem.

Why should a woman not have the right to make that decision? Certainly these men, these right wing fascists aren’t going to take any responsibility.

For them it’s a “bim bam, thank you ma’am”, and they have no further responsibility. They want the government to formalize and to deny women the right to choose.

Well, we as a nation must object. We are probably the only civilized country today that does not have federally supported legalized abortion.

This puts us in a class with the ultra-orthodox religious fanatics of all denominations with whom we are at war in the Middle East. Is this where America wants to stand? 

Well we must object. Girls, boys, men and women take a stand on the rights of all individuals in this society.

Women are individuals.

Let them make their personal choices. This used to be America.


This is a recently received letter from a close friend who is a woman of some renown. Everyone’s lives will be affected by Trump if he is elected.

This could happen to you. This could happen to any woman.

Names have been omitted to protect the privacy of the author.


Dear Family and Friends,

If you know me, then you know that it is rare for me to share personal stories. I don’t even share personal contacts which is why you all are blind copied on this email. However, I am compelled to share this personal experience with you to make an important point (and I believe) for your own benefit. 

Lest anyone think that the standards of a prospective Trump administration “won’t be that bad” or simply won’t have ill effect on you because somehow you will be exempt from the ramifications of his administration’s policies, consider this:

When my partner and I were starting our family we got pregnant with our first child easily and happily. We assumed we would be able to have a second child just as easily. Indeed, two years later we were expecting our second child. However, for reasons unknown, I miscarried in the fifth month. The fetus just quietly and irrevocably died. I knew something was wrong because all of a sudden I did not feel pregnant anymore. However, I was not actively discharging the remains (miscarrying) and once the doctor confirmed the fetus was no longer viable he had to perform an abortion to remove it. 

Fortunately, at the time I had full bodily autonomy. I did not have to carry a dead fetus in me until it made me ill or destroyed my fertility. I was able to get the medical care that I needed when I needed it and on my terms. And I was able to go on and have the little sibling who my first child yearned for, our beautiful, second child.  And my doctors were able to provide the necessary medical care without threat of imprisonment or loss of their medical license.

If the same set of circumstances happened today in 25+ states in the USA, I would not have the human right, the privacy, the bodily autonomy to make the necessary decision to preserve my health and my reproductive rights. Under a Trump administration and Republican Congress, I and all women regardless of socio economic status or age will have no options. We will not have the right to receive the necessary health care. 

To make it simple and clear: imagine a world without my child. If my partner and I were faced with the same circumstances today, living in a state with extreme limitations on abortion access, we would not have been able to obtain the care that allowed us to ultimately have our second child.

Even if you do not particularly care about women’s health care and bodily autonomy for all citizens, a Trump administration will affect each of you in ways that you can not imagine, do not want to believe, or simply think you are an exception to. While Trump may position himself as above the law and an exception to every legal and social norm, he and his “team” do not think you are entitled to the same standing.  

This election is about voting for the rule of law and preserving our democracy, about all citizens having equal rights under the law. It is not only about the price of eggs or gas or housing or tax rates or foreign policy or any other issue that we normally would be debating and voting on. This is about voting in support of our democracy and the rule of law, or not.

New Era for America

Russian thinker Alexander Dugan has claimed that Trump’s win will have incredible global impact. Dugan has made his reputation on a call for an “anti-American revolution” and claims that with Trump’s election, “[Russia] has won. The world will be never ever like before. Globalists have lost their final combat.”

It is Trump’s alliance with Russia’s leader, Putin, that defines his “about-to-be” presidency.

Trump’s election is a win for Putin.

Putin’s support of Trump is furthering his goal to divide Americans.

Heather Cox Richardson reports that “Trump claims to have talked to about seventy world leaders since his reelection but has declined to go through the usual channels of the State Department.”

“This [policy] illustrates his determination to reorganize the federal government around himself rather than its normal operations. [This approach] leaves him—and the United States—vulnerable to misstatements and misunderstandings…”

In an interview, Putin’s presidential aide Nikolay Patrushev said: “To achieve success in the election, Donald Trump relied on certain forces to which he has corresponding obligations.”‘

It is evident that Trump has obligations to Putin.

Where will that leave America?

It’s difficult to know where the country will be at the end of four years of Trump, and it is even more difficult to know what we the people can do to save our democracy from a would be dictator and his cohort.

The Republican Senate and Congress have to get their act in order, do the jobs that they were elected to do, and stop kissing the ring.

This is the time for Americans to be courageous and to fight in every way possible to preserve our democracy.

America, Save Yourself

Trump’s proposed suspension on H-1B visas is part of his plan to expel immigrants from the United States.

This is probably about as destructive to the survival of America as possible.

The jobs, whether it’s farmers, painters, plumbers, carpenters, doctors, nurses, lawyers, and scientists, all are in short supply in America.

Who will fill these jobs? Trump and his cohorts?

Of course, it can be agreed upon that any illegal immigrant who commits a crime in the United States should be immediately deported. More border control people should be hired and attention should be paid as to who is coming into the country.

However, on the other side of the coin, deporting many people who have lived in the country for most of their lives, worked here, and paid their taxes would cost mega millions and in doing so, would cause the economy of the country to crash.

All stores, restaurants, farms, hospitals, research centers, public transportation, and construction, would come to a halt in America. And, at an unbelievable cost to the United States Treasury.

Where will Trump get this money? He will get it by reducing the health benefits, social security and school support, for starters.

America, you have succeeded in your own self-destruction by the election of a brilliant megalomaniac as President-elect of the United States.

Does Life Matter?

Every American should write immediately to the congress and the senate urging them not to support Robert F. Kennedy Jr. for head of the Department of Health and Human Services as proposed by President elect Trump.

The various vaccines that have been developed over the last 70 years have saved millions and millions of lives. This man, Robert F. Kennedy Jr., out of total and abysmal ignorance would deprive America and Americans of vital healthcare and even return our water to a non-potable level.

Measles and Polio would again cause millions of deaths. He is unqualified in every conceivable way to head our Department of Health and Human Services.

RFK Jr. and his cohort, President Elect Trump, have no idea of what this world was like before vaccines were developed.

Polio is a communicative disease which leaves people with paralyzed limbs and weakened hearts or dead.

Ignorance is dangerous and these two men are dangerous. RFK Jr. and Trump simply do not know what they are talking about.

America, rise up. Our lives are at stake.

Ye Who Dwell in the Dust

It is utterly inconceivable that the people of the United States of America could have elected Trump as the future President of the United States.

It is not a secret that he has been Putin’s “thing” ever since Deutche Bank, totally funded by Putin, was the only bank in the world that would lend him money. Putin’s aim has been, and continues to be, total destruction of the America and its democracy under which we have lived and thrived for 247 years. He is succeeding with Trump as his ally.

It was also utterly inconceivable that women were not rising up in masses to support Kamala Harris. The election of Trump heralds the destruction of American women’s autonomy over their own bodies.

If American women cannot join together to rise against Trump and his autocracy then American women will have abdicated their gains they have made toward equality in the last 100 years.

Gone are the Days

The election of Donald Trump as President of the United States (the oldest and most despicable president ever elected) is perhaps one of the most disappointing and saddening moments in the history of this country.

Respect for decency, honesty, and integrity have gone out the window with his election. Women in our society have been making progress towards equality and respect. Respect not just to stay at home as moms and housekeepers and cooks, but respect for their right to enter the workforce on an equal level with men.

Carolyn Agger was the first woman to attend Yale Law School. She was the only woman in her class, and that was in 1935. That was the beginning of the trend for women entering the workforce on equal footing with men, and even today, they are still paid less.

The election of Trump, a misogynist, a man who is disrespectful of women and who has lived his life showing no respect, shows that a vast number of men in the states must be supporting him.

This has to do with the fact that they are unemployed. Disrespect and disregard for women will not salve the ego of a generation of men who have lost their jobs amidst technological development.

Women are multitaskers. They are perfectly capable of running the house, taking care of the children, and getting food on the table, all while satisfying the emotional and physical desires of their husbands. Many of them do all of that while holding successful jobs.

Some men in America recognize and appreciate the women in their lives, others like the newly elected President of the United States, are disrespectful and belittling of women. Trump, decided that he knows better than women, and that he is going to take care of them “whether they like it or not”. His notion of caring for women has been made perfectly clear by his grand first step of overthrowing of Roe v. Wade.

Women should refuse to have sex or children until such time as Mr. Trump decides to respect Women and their ability to make decisions about their own bodies with no ignorant input from him.

Women of America. Hit the Streets and fight for your rights.

All My Sons

There is no better way to say this than this mother did in a letter to her sons:

I raised you to value honesty, fairness, and equality, to respect the law, to seek the truth, to feel empathy towards others, to work hard for your own, your family’s, and your community’s benefit, to distinguish right from wrong and good from bad, to be accountable for your words and deeds, to cherish our freedom and honor our Constitution, and to always hold yourself and others to a high standard in beliefs, words and deeds. Donald Trump does not share any of these values

He’s transactional with a zero-sum mindset. He embraces what benefits him for as long as necessary to achieve his end. His relentless manipulations include showing a different face at different times to one audience or another, aiming to ingratiate himself by seeming somehow similar, and lying – lying shamelessly.

You must vote.

Go to the polls and vote for Kamala.